Thursday, March 26, 2015



1. Three things that I learned from the videos and the packet are:
      a. Analysis isn't personal: you have t talk about how the writer conveys a meaning instead of talking about how you feel towards the story. You also have to tie everything together by pointing to what the author is trying to accomplish. "No what without why."
      b. You should pay attention to the author at all times and stay wary of what they are doing. Even if something seems like it's an accident, you have to treat like everything they do is deliberate. "Structure and meaning of a work are closely connected."
      c. "Do words have secrets?" I never thought about it that way. Words are like boxes with things in them that we can discover, but they are also essentially part of a bigger picture. Their little secrets can stand alone, but contribute to the meaning of the big picture.

2. I feel like I still need to work on tying everything back together. I feel like I do the analysis, but I forget to tie it back to why the author does it. I forget to say what the author's message is. I also need to get better at annotating, because I over do it and end up having too much. This makes me lose focus and makes my mind wander everywhere instead of trying to prove a certain point. I also need to work on analyzing the author's use of diction and syntax, because I generally don't pay attention to those things and they are very important. 

3. I think I am very good at symbolism and allegory. I usually spot those things first and begin to think on what it might mean. I think I could teach someone about how to apply symbolism and how it is used to further meaning in a story. 

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