Monday, May 11, 2015

Monty Python and the Holy Grail Reactions

I've seen this movie before, so it wasn't a new experience watching it, but I always like to see it again. I think that this movie uses a unique comedy that people will like no matter what year they're watching it in. It's juvenile, but witty. I also really liked the part with the demon rabbit. It's not something you expect. I liked all the characters and their stories and I like that they made fun of this sort of serious myth that people take seriously. The beginning of the film, the credits, was also a part I really liked, because I feel like not many movies do that sort of thing. I feel like they made it start off as something serious, but the credits really set us up for the whole movie. The first time I saw it, I was surprised that you could actually mess around so much, because I just haven't thought about it like that. The part with the monks always makes me laugh no matter what. I don't know why, but it just seems very funny and although seems to be there for simple comedy, actually makes a statement about the practice of religion in the past. The movie seems silly, but it takes something serious, historical, and mythical that we treat with respect and sort of pokes fun at it and makes it fun. Nowadays, I see similar stuff happening, like for example the show Galavant. It is also historical and mythical, but it is funny and satirical, unlike the seriousness of Tudor or Reign. For this reason, the movie is unique and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen _Galavant_ , but I am glad you gave it a good mention here!
