Thursday, May 28, 2015

"To Kill A Mockingbird" Review

I've never read the book, so I don't know if the movie is accurate and true to the story, but I liked the movie somewhat. It was a bit boring in the beginning, but it was much more interesting towards the middle and end. I feel as though it is based on a book that is better as a book than a movie, because it's much more interesting to read it than to actually watch it. I wasn't very sure what this movie was about. It seemed pretty pointless until we got to the court. In the beginning, we see the world that Scout and her brother Jem live in. It is filled with climbing trees, running around, and spying on neighbors. They're just children who play. But, when we go to the court with them and Atticus, we are shown a different world. It is a world that is unfair and racist. It is Tom's word against the white woman's and whose word will the white jury take as truth? Even though it seemed pretty obvious that Tom hadn't hurt the woman, the jury still ruled him as guilty. The children get to witness this world where the justice system isn't actually just and how even their strong father is incapable of saving a man's life. In this way, they grow up and see that the world might not be as they thought. Along with them, we are shown the same. It also shows us how certain stereotypes have started and still prevail in our society today. We treat black men as scary and women as incapable of evil. There are women that lie and many have used their privilege of being white to scorn black men. It shows not only how unjust our justice system is, but also how people use their privilege to hurt others and how truly disgusting it is.

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